xen-tools-domU-4.0.2_02-4.9.2>t  DH`pMf/=„3 g7򠫧Dsc?jqJn0߹?Wd3pga(!<A/RWΙN3hzV6crjbn'+eW5 !7ј<;IsY'ކ0;5rs>*g=w2נawa#uzE|zgڍf{jJ5h>6?cw@~χ 4ym0Gf/5Pz[^nр_7%e6'S$>8?d  O $ H  Z  l      @ d   (H"(#8,9:0FLG` H I XY\ ] ^{bcdteyf~lzCxen-tools-domU4.0.2_024.9.2Xen Virtualization: Control tools for domain UXen is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. This package contains tools that allow unprivileged domains to query the virtualized environment. Authors: -------- Ian Pratt Mebuild12MopenSUSE 11.4openSUSEGPLv2+http://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Kernelhttp://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/linuxi5867h 4MdMeNMeNMeNMeNMeNMeNMeNMd952a7dede9d2389091b57872b140aa48e91f878dd44b4709d200501d24929d60domu-xenstoredomu-xenstoredomu-xenstoredomu-xenstoredomu-xenstoredomu-xenstoredomu-xenstorerootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootxen-4.0.2_02-4.9.2.src.rpmxen-tools-domUxen-tools-domU(x86-32)  @@@@@ rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)libc.so.6libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.0)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.11)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3.4)libxenstore.so.3.0rpmlib(PayloadIsLzma)4.0-13.0.4-14.4.6-1xen-tools4.8.0M@M@MVMVMM2@MM@M=MTMv@MfH@MU$MU$MOMOMOMOMN@MGMF@MA^@M0:M-M-M,F@M*M*M'@M# M# M# M@MM@MM PM @M @L!L!L!L!LL@L@LLLfLLL,@LLLLډ@L7L@L֔LLLNLNL@L@L@L@L@L|LLLL@L@L@L@LL@L@LL{L@LA@LA@LLX@L@L@L@L@Li(@Li(@Lc@L_LV@LN@LN@LMxLMxLF@LEL5L4l@L3L$@L LLL @LKKKKKj@K$@KKK/K@K@KK@K]K @K@KtKK͗@KQ@KŮ@KK"@K9@KKP@K@K@K8@K8@K@K@KqK @K~}@K~}@K}+KzKoKl@KbK`*KXAKXAKV@KD{@K"4@K@K@K@K@K@KmKmK K3@K3@JJݦ@JTJTJ@J%J@J@JJJ^@JJJJ J Jv@JrJp9J]JL@J@J.NJ)J)J+@J+@J+@J@JMJMJ J @J@II@IIo@I@IܑI@@IԨIIд@In@IIIIIIjfehlig@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comohering@suse.decarnold@novell.comohering@suse.decarnold@novell.comohering@suse.decarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comohering@suse.decarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comohering@suse.deohering@suse.deohering@suse.deohering@suse.deohering@suse.decarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcyliu@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcyliu@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcyliu@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comlidongyang@novell.comcyliu@novell.comlidongyang@novell.comohering@suse.dejfehlig@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comohering@suse.deohering@suse.deohering@suse.deohering@suse.decyliu@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comlidongyang@novell.comcarnold@novell.comohering@suse.decarnold@novell.comcyliu@novell.comohering@suse.decarnold@novell.comohering@suse.dejfehlig@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comlidongyang@novell.comohering@suse.decarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comohering@suse.decarnold@novell.comohering@suse.deohering@suse.deksrinivasan@novell.comcyliu@novell.comohering@suse.deohering@suse.deohering@suse.deohering@suse.deohering@suse.decarnold@novell.comohering@suse.deohering@suse.decyliu@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comohering@suse.decarnold@novell.comcyliu@novell.comcyliu@novell.comohering@suse.deohering@suse.decarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcyliu@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjsong@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comjsong@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjsong@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjsong@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comksrinivasan@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comcarnold@novell.comksrinivasan@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comwkong@novell.comwkong@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comwkong@novell.comwkong@novell.comcarnold@novell.comwkong@novell.comwkong@novell.comcarnold@suse.dejfehlig@novell.comjsong@novell.comjsong@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comwkong@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comjbeulich@novell.comcarnold@novell.comro@suse.deksrinivasan@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comwkong@novell.comwkong@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjsong@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comjsong@novell.comjsong@novell.comcarnold@novell.comwkong@novell.comwkong@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comjsong@novell.comwkong@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comcarnold@novell.comwkong@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comksrinivasan@novell.comjsong@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comcarnold@novell.comjfehlig@novell.comcarnold@novell.comkukuk@suse.de- bnc#691738 - Xen does not find device create with npiv block xen-qemu-iscsi-fix.patch- bnc#691238 - L3: question on behaviour change xm list snapshot-xend.patch- bnc#688473 - VUL-0: potential buffer overflow in tools cve-2011-1583-4.0.patch- update hotplug-block-losetup-a.patch correct dev:inode detection and use variable expansion- Update to Xen 4.0.2 rc3, changeset 21479 - Upstream patches from Jan 23154-x86-amd-iorr-no-rdwr.patch 23199-amd-iommu-unmapped-intr-fault.patch 23200-amd-iommu-intremap-sync.patch 23127-vtd-bios-settings.patch- fix xentrace.dynamic_sized_tbuf.patch the default case did not work, correct size calculation- bnc#675363 - Random lockups with kernel-xen. Possibly graphics related. - Upstream patches from Jan 22998-x86-get_page_from_l1e-retcode.patch 22999-x86-mod_l1_entry-retcode.patch 23000-x86-mod_l2_entry-retcode.patch 23020-x86-cpuidle-ordering.patch 23061-amd-iommu-resume.patch- bnc#681044 - update xenpaging.autostart.patch start xenpaging only on hvm guests to avoid zombie processes on pv guests- bnc#681302 - xm create -x returns "ImportError: No module named ext" xm-create-xflag.patch- bnc#679344 - Xen: multi-vCPU pv guest may crash host 23034-x86-arch_set_info_guest-DoS.patch- Upstream patches from Jan 22899-x86-tighten-msr-permissions.patch 22915-x86-hpet-msi-s3.patch 22947-amd-k8-mce-init-all-msrs.patch 22949-x86-tolerate-serr.patch- bnc#674063 - drop xenpaging.autostart_delay.patch avoid python excpetions due to intermediate xenstore and .sxp state caused by change of xenpaging variable from int to str- Update to Xen 4.0.2 rc2, changeset 21452- Enable support for kernel decompression for gzip, bzip2, and LZMA so that kernels compressed with any of these methods can be launched.- update xenalyze, more 64bit fixes- allocate xentrace buffer metadata based on requested tbuf_size xentrace.dynamic_sized_tbuf.patch- fate#310510 - fix xenpaging xenpaging.runtime_mru_size.patch - specify policy mru size at runtime xenpaging.no_domain_id.patch - reduce memory usage in pager- bnc#625394 - set vif mtu from bridge mtu if kernel supports it vif-bridge.mtu.patch- fate#310510 - fix xenpaging xenpaging.autostart_delay.patch - decouple create/destroycreateXenPaging from _create/_removeDevices - change xenpaging variable from int to str - init xenpaging variable to 0 if xenpaging is not in config file to avoid string None coming from sxp file- Update to Xen 4.0.2 rc2-pre, changeset 21443- bnc#633573 - System fail to boot after running several warm reboot tests 22749-vtd-workarounds.patch - Upstream patches from Jan 22744-ept-pod-locking.patch 22777-vtd-ats-fixes.patch 22781-pod-hap-logdirty.patch 22782-x86-emul-smsw.patch 22789-i386-no-x2apic.patch 22790-svm-resume-migrate-pirqs.patch 22816-x86-pirq-drop-priv-check.patch- Don't pass the deprecataed extid parameter to xc.hvm_build- bnc#658704 - SLES11 SP1 Xen boot panic in x2apic mode 22707-x2apic-preenabled-check.patch - bnc#641419 - L3: Xen: qemu-dm reports "xc_map_foreign_batch: mmap failed: Cannot allocate memory" 7434-qemu-rlimit-as.patch - Additional or upstream patches from Jan 22693-fam10-mmio-conf-base-protect.patch 22694-x86_64-no-weak.patch 22708-xenctx-misc.patch 21432-4.0-cpu-boot-failure.patch 22645-amd-flush-filter.patch qemu-fix-7433.patch- Maintain compatibility with the extid flag even though it is deprecated for both legacy and sxp config files. hv_extid_compatibility.patch- bnc#649209-improve suspend eventchn lock suspend_evtchn_lock.patch- Removed the hyper-v shim patches in favor of using the upstream version.- bnc#641419 - L3: Xen: qemu-dm reports "xc_map_foreign_batch: mmap failed: Cannot allocate memory" qemu-rlimit-as.patch- Upstream c/s 7433 to replace qemu_altgr_more.patch 7433-qemu-altgr.patch- bnc#661931 - Fix fd leak in xenstore library 21344-4.0-testing-xenstore-fd-leak.patch- bnc#656369 - g5plus: sles11sp1 xen crash with 8 socket x2apic preenabled 21989-x2apic-resume.patch 22475-x2apic-cleanup.patch 22535-x2apic-preenabled.patch - bnc#658163 - maintenance release - Nehalem system cannot boot into xen with maintenance release installed 22504-iommu-dom0-holes.patch 22506-x86-iommu-dom0-estimate.patch - bnc#658704 - SLES11 SP1 Xen boot panic in x2apic mode 21810-x2apic-acpi.patch - Upstream patches from Jan 22470-vlapic-tick-loss.patch 22484-vlapic-tmcct-periodic.patch 22526-ept-access-once.patch 22533-x86-32bit-apicid.patch 22534-x86-max-local-apic.patch 22538-keyhandler-relax.patch 22540-32on64-hypercall-debug.patch 22549-vtd-map-page-leak.patch 22574-ept-skip-validation.patch 22632-vtd-print-entries.patch- bnc#661298 - maintenance release candidate - Windows VMs reboot too fast, triggering failsafe xen-minimum-restart-time.patch- bnc#659070 - Fail to input '|' in en-us keyboard qemu_altgr_more.patch- bnc#659466 - XEN drbd block device type not working on SLES 11 SP1 20158-revert.patch- bnc#654543 - PV guest won't unplug the IDE disk created by qemu-dm a dirty hack, only add the device to drives_table[] if we are FV domU, that will be unplugged anyway if a PV driver is loaded later. ioemu-disable-emulated-ide-if-pv.patch- Upstream patch to replace xenfb_32bpp.patch 7426-xenfb-depth.patch- bnc#651822 make sure we only apply the snapshot once, and the changes made after snapshot-apply hit the disk. snapshot-xend.patch snapshot-without-pv-fix.patch- fate#310510 - fix xenpaging xenpaging.HVMCOPY_gfn_paged_out.patch - remove incorrect and unneeded cleanup from do_memory_op subfunctions add mainline tag to merged patches- bnc#613584 - If available, use kpartx '-f' option in domUloader- bnc#659872 - xend: Do no release domain lock on checkpoint operation.- make stubdom build optional- pass -j N to stubdom build- add xenalzye from http://xenbits.xensource.com/ext/xenalyze.hg- hotplug-block-losetup-a.patch allow hardlinked blockdevices - fate#310510 - fix xenpaging xenpaging.paging_prep_enomem.patch - retry page-in if guest is temporary out-of-memory xenpaging.print-arguments.patch - print arguments passed to xenpaging xenpaging.machine_to_phys_mapping.patch - invalidate array during page deallocation xenpaging.autostart_delay.patch - fold xenpaging.enabled.patch into this patch - set xenpaging_delay to 0.0 to start xenpaging right away- blktap2 patch - fix problem that blktap2 device info not cleared when block-attach fail. blktap2.patch- bnc#655438 - Using performance counter in domU on Nehalem cpus 22417-vpmu-nehalem.patch - Upstream patches from Jan 22389-amd-iommu-decls.patch 22416-acpi-check-mwait.patch 22431-p2m-remove-bug-check.patch- bnc#656245 - VUL-1: hypervisor: application or kernel in any pv Xen domain can crash Xen x86_64-gdt-ldt-fault-filter.patch- bnc#654050 - Python: a crasher bug in pyexpat - upstream patch needs backporting 22235-lxml-validator.patch- bnc#628729 - Add a small, fast alternative to 'xm list' for enumerating active domains. xen-list is a C program that uses libxenstore and libxenctl directly, bypassing the python toolstack. xen-utils-0.1.tar.bz2- bnc#651822 - xm snapshot-xxx scripts lead to an XP SP3 HVM domU to chkdsk snapshot-xend.patch snapshot-ioemu-restore.patch- bnc#651957 - Xen: vm-install failed to start xenpaging.enabled.patch- fate#310510 - fix xenpaging xenpaging.signal_handling.patch - unlink pagefile in signal handler- Upstream patch for python 2.7 compatibility 22045-python27-compat.patch- bnc#641144 - FV Xen VM running windows or linux cannot write to virtual floppy drive bdrv_default_rwflag.patch- fate#310510 - fix xenpaging xenpaging.optimize_p2m_mem_paging_populate.patch xenpaging.HVMCOPY_gfn_paged_out.patch- bnc#649864 - automatic numa cpu placement of xen conflicts with cpupools 22326-cpu-pools-numa-placement.patch- fate#310510 - fix xenpaging xenpaging.populate_only_if_paged.patch - revert logic, populate needs to happen unconditionally xenpaging.p2m_mem_paging_populate_if_p2m_ram_paged.patch - invalidate current mfn only if gfn is not in flight or done xenpaging.mem_event_check_ring-free_requests.patch - print info only if 1 instead of 2 slots are free xenpaging.guest_remove_page.patch - check mfn before usage in resume function xenpaging.machine_to_phys_mapping.patch - check mfn before usage in resume function- bnc#552115 - Remove target discovery in block-iscsi modified block-iscsi script- bnc#649277 - Fix pci passthru in xend interface used by libvirt 22369-xend-pci-passthru-fix.patch- bnc#642078 - xm snapshot-create causes qemu-dm to SEGV snapshot-without-pv-fix.patch- fate#310510 - fix xenpaging xenpaging.num_pages_equal_max_pages.patch- bnc#647681 - L3: Passthrough of certain PCI device broken after SLES 11 to SP1 upgrade - bnc#650871 - Regression in Xen PCI Passthrough 22348-vtd-check-secbus-devfn.patch - Upstream patches from Jan 22223-vtd-workarounds.patch 22231-x86-pv-ucode-msr-intel.patch 22232-x86-64-lahf-lm-bios-workaround.patch 22280-kexec.patch 22337-vtd-scan-single-func.patch- bnc#497149 - SLES11 64bit Xen - SLES11 64bit HVM guest has corrupt text console stdvga-cache.patch- fate#310510 - fix xenpaging xenpaging.page_already_populated.patch xenpaging.notify_policy_only_once.patch xenpaging.guest_remove_page.patch xenpaging.machine_to_phys_mapping.patch remove xenpaging.memory_op.patch, retry loops are not needed- bnc#474789 - xen-tools 3.3 rpm misses pv-grub - PV-GRUB replaces PyGrub to boot domU images safely: it runs the regular grub inside the created domain itself and uses regular domU facilities to read the disk / fetch files from network etc.; it eventually loads the PV kernel and chain-boots it.- fate#310510 - fix xenpaging xenpaging.doc.patch - add /var/lib/xen/xenpaging directory- fate#310510 - fix xenpaging xenpaging.memory_op.patch, correct delay handling in retry loop- Some cleanup in the APIC handling code in the HyperV shim. hv_apic.patch- bnc#640370 - VM graphic console in VNC is corrupted xenfb_32bpp.patch- fate#310510 - fix xenpaging xenpaging.autostart_delay.patch delay start of xenpaging 7 seconds for smooth BIOS startup- fate#310510 - fix xenpaging xenpaging.tools_xenpaging_cleanup.patch- fate#310510 - fix xenpaging xenpaging.mem_event_check_ring-free_requests.patch- install /etc/xen/examples/xentrace_formats.txt to get human readable tracedata if xenalyze is not used- fate#310510 - fix xenpaging xenpaging.autostart_delay.patch xenpaging.blacklist.patch xenpaging.MRU_SIZE.patch remove xenpaging.hacks.patch, realmode works- Upstream patches from Jan including fixes for the following bugs bnc#583568 - Xen kernel is not booting bnc#615206 - Xen kernel fails to boot with IO-APIC problem bnc#640773 - Xen kernel crashing right after grub bnc#643477 - issues with PCI hotplug/hotunplug to Xen driver domain 22222-x86-timer-extint.patch 22214-x86-msr-misc-enable.patch 22213-x86-xsave-cpuid-check.patch 22194-tmem-check-pv-mfn.patch 22177-i386-irq-safe-map_domain_page.patch 22175-x86-irq-enter-exit.patch 22174-x86-pmtimer-accuracy.patch 22160-Intel-C6-EOI.patch 22159-notify-evtchn-dying.patch 22157-x86-debug-key-i.patch- fate#310510 - fix xenpaging xenpaging.signal_handling.patch xenpaging.autostart.patch xenpaging.hacks.patch- rename xenpaging.XENMEM_decrease_reservation.patch to xenpaging.memory_op.patch- bnc#632956 - fix VNC altgr-insert behavior 7410-qemu-alt-gr.patch altgr_2.patch- bnc#618087 - VNC view won't stay connected to fully virtualized Linux Xen VMs modified ioemu-vnc-resize.patch- bnc#639546 - Dom-U deleted after introduction of the parameter "change_home_server False" in the VM configuration change_home_server.patch- bnc#641859 - block-dmmd script does not handle the configuration when only MD is used modified block-dmmd script- fate#310510 - fix xenpaging xenpaging.populate_only_if_paged.patch- bnc#640773 - Xen kernel crashing right after grub 21894-intel-unmask-cpuid.patch - Upstream patch from Jan 22148-serial-irq-dest.patch- bnc#628719 - improve check_device_status to handle HA cases check_device_status.patch- bnc#628719 - multi-xvdp mutli-xvdp.patch- fate#310510 - fix xenpaging xenpaging.XENMEM_decrease_reservation.patch xenpaging.xenpaging_init.patch xenpaging.policy_linear.patch- fate#310510 - fix xenpaging xenpaging.pageout_policy.patch xenpaging.xs_daemon_close.patch xenpaging.pagefile.patch xenpaging.mem_paging_tool_qemu_flush_cache.patch xenpaging.get_paged_frame.patch xenpaging.notify_via_xen_event_channel.patch- bnc#636231 - XEN: Unable to disconnect/remove CDROM drive from VM xend-devid-or-name.patch- Upstream patches from Jan 22019-x86-cpuidle-online-check.patch 22051-x86-forced-EOI.patch 22067-x86-irq-domain.patch 22068-vtd-irte-RH-bit.patch 22071-ept-get-entry-lock.patch 22084-x86-xsave-off.patch- bnc#638465 - hypervisor panic in memory handling 22135-heap-lock.patch- Update to Xen 4.0.1. This is a bug fix release.- bnc#626262 - Populate-on-demand memory problem on xen with hvm guest 21971-pod-accounting.patch- bnc#584204 - xm usb-list broken usb-list.patch- bnc#625520 - TP-L3: NMI cannot be triggered for xen kernel 21926-x86-pv-NMI-inject.patch- bnc#613529 - TP-L3: kdump kernel hangs when crash was initiated from xen kernel 21886-kexec-shutdown.patch- Upstream Intel patches to improve X2APIC handling. 21716-iommu-alloc.patch 21717-ir-qi.patch 21718-x2apic-logic.patch- bnc#623833 - Error in Xend-API method VM_set_actions_after_crash 21866-xenapi.patch- bnc#625003 - Fix vm config options coredump-{restart,destroy} Added hunk to xm-create-xflag.patch- bnc#605186 - Squelch harmless error messages in block-iscsi- bnc#623438 - Add ability to control SCSI device path scanning in xend 21847-pscsi.patch- bnc#624285 - TP-L3: xen rdtsc emulation reports wrong frequency 21445-x86-tsc-handling-cleanups-v2.patch- bnc#623201 - drbd xvd will fail in new xen4 packages due to wrong popen2 arguments in blkif.py popen2-argument-fix.patch- bnc#620694 - Xen yast vm-install for existing paravirtualized disk fails with UnboundLocalError: local variable 'dev_type' referenced before assignment 21678-xend-mac-fix.patch- bnc#586221 - cannot add DomU with USB host controller defined domu-usb-controller.patch (Chun Yan Liu)- Upstream patches from Jan 21151-trace-bounds-check.patch 21627-cpuidle-wrap.patch 21643-vmx-vpmu-pmc-offset.patch 21682-trace-buffer-range.patch 21683-vtd-kill-timer-conditional.patch 21693-memevent-64bit-only.patch 21695-trace-t_info-readonly.patch 21698-x86-pirq-range-check.patch 21699-p2m-query-for-type-change.patch 21700-32on64-vm86-gpf.patch 21705-trace-printk.patch 21706-trace-security.patch 21712-amd-osvw.patch 21744-x86-cpufreq-range-check.patch 21933-vtd-ioapic-write.patch 21953-msi-enable.patch- bnc#599550 - Xen cannot distinguish the status of 'pause' 21723-get-domu-state.patch- bnc#604611 - Do not store vif device details when vif config contains invalid mac address. 21653-xend-mac-addr.patch- linux pvdrv: generalize location of autoconf.h Fixes error because of missing autoconf.h when building os11.2 Factory.- bnc#609153 - xm migrate localhost -l fails on Windows VMs 21615-dont-save-xen-heap-pages.patch - Upstream fixes from Jan 21446-iommu-graceful-generic-fail.patch 21453-shadow-avoid-remove-all-after-teardown.patch 21456-compat-hvm-addr-check.patch 21492-x86-pirq-unbind.patch 21526-x86-nehalem-cpuid-mask.patch 21620-x86-signed-domain-irq.patch- bnc#612189 - Clear APIC Timer Initial Count Register when masking timer interrupt 21542-amd-erratum-411.patch- bnc#610658 - XEN: PXE boot fails for fully virtualized guests - e1000 virtual nic. (see also bnc#484778) enable_more_nic_pxe.patch- bnc#608191 - /var/adm/fillup-templates/sysconfig.xend from package xen-tools is no valid sysconfig file xend-sysconfig.patch- bnc#608194 - /etc/xen/* config files are not packaged with noreplace- bnc#569744 - SLE HVM guest clock/timezone is incorrect after reboot 21460-xend-timeoffset.patch- bnc#606882 - Allow spaces in vbd path names 21459-block-script.patch- bnc#591799 - The status of Caps Lock is incorrect in domU capslock_enable.patch- Upstream fixes from Jan including a fix for Intel's ATS issue 21435-vmx-retain-global-controls.patch 21406-x86-microcode-quiet.patch 21421-vts-ats-enabling.patch- bnc#607219 - AMD Erratum 383 workaround for Xen 21408-amd-erratum-383.patch- Added modprobe of evtchn to init.xend. The kernel will also need to build evtchn as a module for this to be meaningful.- bnc#603008 - On an 8 Socket Nehalem-EX system, the fix for 593536 causes a hang during network setup. - Upstream patches from Jan. 21360-x86-mce-polling-diabled-init.patch 21372-x86-cross-cpu-wait.patch 21331-svm-vintr-during-nmi.patch 21333-xentrace-t_info-size.patch 21340-vtd-dom0-mapping-latency.patch 21346-x86-platform-timer-wrap.patch 21373-dummy-domain-io-caps.patch- bnc#605182 - /etc/xen/scripts/xen-hotplug-cleanup: line 24: [: !=: unary operator expected 21129-xen-hotplug-cleanup.patch- bnc#599929 - Hot add/remove Kawela NIC device over 500 times will cause guest domain crash passthrough-hotplug-segfault.patch- bnc#603583 - Fix migration of domUs using tapdisk devices 21317-xend-blkif-util-tap2.patch suse-disable-tap2-default.patch- Match upstreams cpu pools switch from domctl to sysctl - Upstream replacements for two of our custom patches (to ease applying further backports) - Fixed dump-exec-state.patch (could previously hang the system, as could - with lower probability - the un-patched implementation)- bnc#593536 - xen hypervisor takes very long to initialize Dom0 on 128 CPUs and 256Gb 21272-x86-dom0-alloc-performance.patch 21266-vmx-disabled-check.patch 21271-x86-cache-flush-global.patch- bnc#558815 - using multiple npiv luns with same wwpn/wwnn broken - bnc#601104 - Xen /etc/xen/scripts/block-npiv script fails when accessing multiple disks using NPIV block-npiv- bnc#595124 - VT-d can not be enabled on 32PAE Xen on Nehalem-EX platform 21234-x86-bad-srat-clear-pxm2node.patch bnc#585371 - kdump fails to load with xen: locate_hole failed 21235-crashkernel-advanced.patch- bnc#588918 - Attaching a U-disk to domain's failed by "xm usb-attach" init.xend- bnc#596442 - Preserve device config on domain start failure xend-preserve-devs.patch- bnc#597770 - insserv reports a loop between xendomains and openais. Remove openais from Should-Start in xendomains script.- bnc#569194 - Tools-side fixes for tapdisk protocol specification blktap-script.patch ioemu-subtype.patch Modified xen-domUloader.diff- Upstream bug fixes from Jan 21089-x86-startup-irq-from-setup-gsi.patch 21109-x86-cpu-hotplug.patch 21150-shadow-race.patch 21160-sysctl-debug-keys.patch- Updated to Xen 4.0.0 FCS, changeset 21091- Change default lock dir (when domain locking is enabled) to /var/lib/xen/images/vm_locks - Support SXP config files in xendomains script- Update to changeset 21087 Xen 4.0.0 RC9.- Update to changeset 21075 Xen 4.0.0 RC8.- bnc#584210 - xm usb-hc-destroy does not remove entry from xend del_usb_xend_entry.patch- Update to changeset 21057 Xen 4.0.0 RC7.-Fix bnc#466899 - numa enabled xen fails to start/create vms adjust_vcpuaffinity_more_cpu.patch- Update to changeset 21022 Xen 4.0.0 RC6.- bnc#586510 - cpupool fixes cpu-pools-update.patch- bnc#582645 - Xen stuck, mptbase driver attempting to reset config request- Update to changeset 20990 Xen 4.0.0 RC5.- bnc#556939 - Improve device map cleanup code in domUloader- bnc# 578910 - xm block-detach does not cleanup xenstore hotplug-cleanup-fix.patch- bnc#579361 - Windows Server 2003 cannot wake up from stand by in sp1 hibernate.patch- fate#308852: XEN CPU Pools cpupools-core.patch cpupools-core-fixup.patch keyhandler-alternative.patch cpu-pools-libxc.patch cpu-pools-python.patch cpu-pools-libxen.patch cpu-pools-xmtest.patch cpu-pools-docs.patch- bnc#558760: Disable scsi devices when PV drivers are loaded.- Update to changeset 20951 Xen 4.0.0 RC4 for sle11-sp1 beta5.- bnc#572146 - SLES11 SP1 beta 2 Xen - BUG: soft lockup - CPU#31 stuck for 61s! [kstop/31:4512] cpuidle-hint-v3.patch- Update to changeset 20900 RC2+ for sle11-sp1 beta4.- bnc#573376 - OS reboot while create DomU with Windows CD- bnc#573881 - /usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm is a broken link- Update to changeset 20840 RC1+ for sle11-sp1 beta3.- bnc#569581 - SuSEfirewall2 should handle rules. Disable handle_iptable in vif-bridge script vif-bridge-no-iptables.patch- bnc#569577 - /etc/modprove.d/xen_pvdrivers, installed by xen-kmp-default, to ../xen_pvdrivers.conf- bnc#564406 - Make the new PV drivers work with older hosts that do not understand the new PV driver protocol.- Upstream Xen version renamed to 4.0.0 in changeset 20624 & 20625.- fate#307594: HP-MCBS: XEN: support NR_CPUS=256 This is a spec file change (xen.spec)- bnc#555152 - "NAME" column in xentop (SLES11) output limited to 10 characters unlike SLES10 The update to c/s 20572 includes this fix (at c/s 20567).- Modify xen-paths.diff- Merge xend-tap-fix.patch to xen-domUloader.diff remove part of it which accepted by upstream- Load gntdev module in xend init script similar to blkbk, netbk, etc.- Backport dmmd from sles11/xen block-dmmd xen-qemu-iscsi-fix.patch xen.spec- Fix regression when create_vbd for tap xend-tap-fix.patch- Temporarily disable libxl because of libconfig dependency.- fate#302864 domUloader support lvm in disk domUloader.py Note: for test in Beta1, if not good, remove it- fate#302864 domUloader support fs on whole disk domUloader.py- Turn KMPs back on now that kernel side fix is checked in.- fate#304415 VMM: ability to switch networking mode Add vif-route-ifup to handle routed configurations using sysconfig scripts. vif-route-ifup.patch- fate#307540 USB for Xen VMs usb-add.patch- fate#305545 XEN extra descriptive field within xenstore add_des.patch- Update to Xen version 3.5.0 for the following features. fate#304226 XEN: FlexMigration feature of VT-x2 support fate#305004 Add SR-IOV PF and VF drivers to Vt-d enabled Xen fate#306830 T states in Xen controlling by MSR fate#306832 Fix for xen panic on new processors fate#306833 Westmere and Nehalem-EX: Add support for Pause Loop exiting feature for Xen fate#306835 Xen: server virtual power management enhacement fate#306837 VT-d2 - PCI SIG ATS support fate#306872 Xen: Node manager support P/T-states change when Vt-d enable fate#306873 Xen: SMP guest live migration may fail with hap=1 on NHM fate#306875 Westmere: LT-SX (Xen) fate#306891 RAS features for Xen: Add support for Machine Check and CPU/Memory online/offline features fate#307322 1GB page support in Xen fate#307324 Xen IOMMU support- bnc#541945 - xm create -x command does not work in SLES 10 SP2 or SLES 11 xm-create-xflag.patch- Minor enhancement to xen-updown.sh sysconfig hook- Add patch ioemu-bdrv-open-CACHE_WB.patch for install guest on tapdisk very very slow.- Add temporary workaround for race between xend writing and qemu-dm reading from xenstore. The issue is preventing PV domUs from booting as they have no backend console. qemu-retry-be-status.patch - bnc#520234 - npiv does not work with XEN Update block-npiv - bnc#496033 - Support for creating NPIV ports without starting vm block-npiv-common.sh block-npiv-vport Update block-npiv - bnc#500043 - Fix access to NPIV disk from HVM vm Update xen-qemu-iscsi-fix.patch- bnc#513921 - Xen doesn't work get an eror when starting the install processes or starting a pervious installed DomU 20125-xc-parse-tuple-fix.patch- bnc#536176 - Xen panic when using iommu after updating hypervisor 19380-vtd-feature-check.patch- bnc#530959 - virsh autostart doesn't work Fixing this libvirt bug also required fixing xend's op_pincpu method with upstream c/s 19580 19580-xend-pincpu.patch- bnc#534146 - Xen: Fix SRAT check for discontig memory 20120-x86-srat-check-discontig.patch- bnc#491081 - Xen time goes backwards x3950M2 20112-x86-dom0-boot-run-timers.patch- disable module build for ec2 correctly to fix build (at the suse_kernel_module_package macro)- bnc#524071 - implemented workaround for a windows7 bug. hv_win7_eoi_bug.patch- bnc#524180 - xend memory leak resulting in long garbage collector runs 20013-xend-memleak.patch- Upstream bugfixes from Jan. 19896-32on64-arg-xlat.patch 19960-show-page-walk.patch 19945-pae-xen-l2-entries.patch 19953-x86-fsgs-base.patch 19931-gnttblop-preempt.patch 19885-kexec-gdt-switch.patch 19894-shadow-resync-fastpath-race.patch - hvperv shim patches no longer require being applied conditionally- bnc#520234 - npiv does not work with XEN in SLE11 Update block-npiv - bnc#496033 - Support for creating NPIV ports without starting vm block-npiv-common.sh block-npiv-vport Update block-npiv - bnc#500043 - Fix access to NPIV disk from HVM vm Update xen-qemu-iscsi-fix.patch- Don't build the KMPs for the ec2 kernel.- Upstream fixes from Jan Beulich 19606-hvm-x2apic-cpuid.patch 19734-vtd-gcmd-submit.patch 19752-vtd-srtp-sirtp-flush.patch 19753-vtd-reg-write-lock.patch 19764-hvm-domain-lock-leak.patch 19765-hvm-post-restore-vcpu-state.patch 19767-hvm-port80-inhibit.patch 19768-x86-dom0-stack-dump.patch 19770-x86-amd-s3-resume.patch 19801-x86-p2m-2mb-hap-only.patch 19815-vtd-kill-correct-timer.patch - Patch from Jan Beulich to aid in debugging bnc#509911 gnttblop-preempt.patch- bnc#515220 - qemu-img-xen snapshot Segmentation fault qemu-img-snapshot.patch update- bnc#504491 - drop write data when set read only disk in xen config bdrv_open2_fix_flags.patch bdrv_open2_flags_2.patch- Upstream fixes from Jan Beulich. 19474-32on64-S3.patch 19490-log-dirty.patch 19492-sched-timer-non-idle.patch 19493-hvm-io-intercept-count.patch 19505-x86_64-clear-cr1.patch 19519-domctl-deadlock.patch 19523-32on64-restore-p2m.patch 19555-ept-live-migration.patch 19557-amd-iommu-ioapic-remap.patch 19560-x86-flush-tlb-empty-mask.patch 19571-x86-numa-shift.patch 19578-hvm-load-ldt-first.patch 19592-vmx-exit-reason-perfc-size.patch 19595-hvm-set-callback-irq-level.patch 19597-x86-ioport-quirks-BL2xx.patch 19602-vtd-multi-ioapic-remap.patch 19631-x86-frametable-map.patch 19653-hvm-vcpuid-range-checks.patch- bnc#382112 - Caps lock not being passed to vm correctly. capslock_enable.patch- bnc#506833 - Use pidof in xend and xendomains init scripts- bnc#484778 - XEN: PXE boot of FV domU using non-Realtek NIC fails enable_more_nic_pxe.patchcross-migrate.patch - bnc#390961 - cross-migration of a VM causes it to become unresponsive (remains paused after migration)- Patches taken to fix the xenctx tool. The fixed version of this tool is needed to debug bnc#502735. 18962-xc_translate_foreign_address.patch 18963-xenctx.patch 19168-hvm-domctl.patch 19169-remove-declare-bitmap.patch 19170-libxc.patch 19171-xenctx.patch 19450-xc_translate_foreign_address.patch-bnc#485770 - check exsit file for save and snapshot-create xm-save-check-file.patch snapshot-xend.patch-bnc#503782 - Using converted vmdk image does not work ioemu-tapdisk-compat-QEMU_IMG.patch- bnc#503332 - Remove useless qcow tools /usr/sbin/{qcow-create,img2qcow,qcow2raw} from xen-tools package.- bnc#474738 - adding CD drive to VM guest makes it unbootable. parse_boot_disk.patch- bnc#477892 - snapshot windows can't accomplish. snapshot-xend.patch- bnc#495300 - L3: Xen unable to PXE boot Windows based DomU's 18545-hvm-gpxe-rom.patch, 18548-hvm-gpxe-rom.patch- bnc#459836 - Fix rtc_timeoffset when localtime=0 xend-timeoffset.patch- bnc#497440 - xmclone.sh script incorrectly handles networking for SLE11.- bnc#477890 - VM becomes unresponsive after applying snapshot- bnc#494892 - Update xend-domain-lock.patch to flock the lock file.- bnc#439639 - SVVP Test 273 System - Sleep Stress With IO" fails Turned off s3/s4 sleep states for HVM guests.- bnc#468169 - fix domUloader to umount the mounted device mapper target in dom0 when install a sles10 guest with disk = /dev/disk/by_path- bnc#488490 - domUloader can't handle block device names with ':' - bnc#486244 - vms fail to start after reboot when using qcow2- bnc#490835 - VTd errata on Cantiga chipset 19230-vtd-mobile-series4-chipset.patch- bnc#482515 - Missing dependency in xen.spec- Additional upstream bug fix patches from Jan Beulich. 19132-page-list-mfn-links.patch 19134-fold-shadow-page-info.patch 19135-next-shadow-mfn.patch 19136-page-info-rearrange.patch 19156-page-list-simplify.patch 19161-pv-ldt-handling.patch 19162-page-info-no-cpumask.patch 19216-msix-fixmap.patch 19268-page-get-owner.patch 19293-vcpu-migration-delay.patch 19391-vpmu-double-free.patch 19415-vtd-dom0-s3.patch- Imported numerous upstream bug fix patches. 19083-memory-is-conventional-fix.patch 19097-M2P-table-1G-page-mappings.patch 19137-lock-domain-page-list.patch 19140-init-heap-pages-max-order.patch 19167-recover-pat-value-s3-resume.patch 19172-irq-to-vector.patch 19173-pci-passthrough-fix.patch 19176-free-irq-shutdown-fix.patch 19190-pciif-typo-fix.patch 19204-allow-old-images-restore.patch 19232-xend-exception-fix.patch 19239-ioapic-s3-suspend-fix.patch 19240-ioapic-s3-suspend-fix.patch 19242-xenstored-use-after-free-fix.patch 19259-ignore-shutdown-deferrals.patch 19266-19365-event-channel-access-fix.patch 19275-19296-schedular-deadlock-fixes.patch 19276-cpu-selection-allocation-fix.patch 19302-passthrough-pt-irq-time-out.patch 19313-hvmemul-read-msr-fix.patch 19317-vram-tracking-fix.patch 19335-apic-s3-resume-error-fix.patch 19353-amd-migration-fix.patch 19354-amd-migration-fix.patch 19371-in-sync-L1s-writable.patch 19372-2-on-3-shadow-mode-fix.patch 19377-xend-vnclisten.patch 19400-ensure-ltr-execute.patch 19410-virt-to-maddr-fix.patch- bnc#483565 - Fix block-iscsi script. Updated block-iscsi and xen-domUloader.diff- bnc#465814 - Mouse stops responding when wheel is used in Windows VM. mouse-wheel-roll.patch (James Song) - bnc#470704 - save/restore of windows VM throws off the mouse tracking. usb-save-restore.patch (James Song)- bnc#436629 - Use global vnc-listen setting specified in xend configuration file. xend-vnclisten.patch - bnc#482623 - Fix pygrub to append user-supplied 'extra' args to kernel args. 19234_pygrub.patch- bnc#481161 upgrade - sles10sp2 to sles11 upgrade keeps xen-tools-ioemu- Don't load 8139* driver if xen-vnif works [bnc#480164]build12 1305044386 - 4.0.2_02- -fmessage-length=0 -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -gobs://build.opensuse.org/openSUSE:11.4:Update:Test/standard/b343ad81c48adce5b5969c0d8c97081c-xencpiolzma5i586-suse-linuxrstVlu?] c~mhCL˿*H-spR9_`er5Vz&.H:fw_Au9RPȽ\F `GB'[w _ƺCfa_O}Qv Th~?[k;[|m+>.uΪ#2ެ7^%5rŹWJsxmYn2ig22)ъ^!.~!W:eaeDegeAfRpͯmL ^j=?qtc*3ISv (ePh㗀`Iy-Gx]Pt*1 Vj,N_sۇpRBhpO\le=> q{o铪Iӡ{xYy k$qaMgrz|"d4uf>KÍ *.\v`cwTu\P 'D[볩Nw606?K*C.w%0=_H'^e,xrƝ$ZZB|ĕ8<_?1/vҁG-Muud"WK)&c,Yfh9=.(iy2eĒ!T+(ĺCSF+x׀=Uk4Uv9hd%c.1zb󓛚EP%D&ٺ^i|3.fm*e07 ~ͽ٠DdJ7g@YuRW>T[M砽ZNJTA/4swY$3#g~j9L:wC> .astq O9zCbx}ZV" &[qh]ln.Z64 tW}B`T6S@ ܒKdkALBZ=cd'ߗ%y"Sitk( PCXLԴbyFjǝ#NC/l J.QF7ev318 ,.t5 '?2Sg}|%f {1 ͬ&&髠 Lh2CS (HJkr/P\G3C7Y=_;T ,v:~˥|fk熡2]@#q gX#9N !3؋ 5?ɦӬ)MחJ uS[Rp1xa"f _p=_+>ż2f[z}|sMg!k(]k<(YzA7XJln2Zv;rbh˦1 B[wkvpb^j( ^8O/HyWNdu'4)%¶v'BUY@iz>i| UUe)YƥEދZb c92 K9,@5 0p ~"{Ћ `=zs pq79Tꋘ6,/x4'OSS8_/+,~^pGԗ(ko37'_UPݒ6?kp.Ͼ#<-H oOP]cuH3p\C~iFrYYDi"2:}tN hmQ(H Y ݞ/Бrdi$첒[^K*'؅۶IVW.kJe(=U4n2n|1;sU$c0@PI[{[d,JߩXSLnhD٣Q\2@%tS2MyNQTR8pelPp[Eo]|Ie>). ]̀uQȷ"௴̼e ~'}}}UǾH%4¹n=u7BR ۃ=VI@[y}B1`YJ_K?w`I/{>"JJRfRxz|ox23n/dM1$]=r{*3XdYp|Sٓ1uulHQ Q:ƾypPYu`W`Gy= vaW&KÞQf*2#lz⨈kOB:\ArKV[jV MVq.zcݱ / YDf+mb ^!FfyN96( UiK6/]wPZ@`jM*蘶̐oʼۄ@,ܪh0;X?<&dڵxE)2$b8YpS)т9mq"g۱{Λ3g` t:x])`BZVNGhz8vr{7Ġia?q5;AL!^Jt 탈5MEb)6w9 Nx.8%,\AzDKK|m~4oF`B" {).^ZN$bA' t,*'K<ߊv+E&!.l%@z|ǽ{Jb2tE :O ;DJ`wz@DK8V¼S\մ#L,1~鹴_ǏgS^hԇp>+Rw>D?QNJZ4A,/cGAY{=Y!%9R\`P^ dbRm2A(l#7Y=X :D`1m[Հ*n881!z G/tBa`U_'m|:/[PV ts0{vO85YG Ϙ͏bs^'}c >jU(yuMbc1sdPeFCꦼL %?mHaN{3|U=<3'CH="@{=v}4BdڢjD.uqcK-Uu^?9c( `eIL`<™Bdk>cPa ^r/cnkMyJg.b2;hu@lLhנeo6OIu9IM/ȵ>^)'`%rVz3JIȣvD0gЛ2ARmNկ2 Rpģ37b[3]t)y3cfG蟆B'J>[RKrF ɜdR=zijgrwgaS-.\WkH5jFv٭:v :TMFB3- {8:P}sj䶍V/T~j%Օf}P}Lb!epj,(W9flhvGw"(`  F QFԎzO"H("\5&W[ ; F1|ΨXh@Dɀ&4Io*t#nAD;-a)Ֆm$W)-};M,DpyoWsueF4]"9R[*p{nKGy%Y $w$sVn0:Ӗ74TAU>!WoUbcq. yLs'n7 .OcFx)j"m=OxG8t]ѥ`L{ XRɰ- MV}Nmn6;j$Y\Q7gCqzyƏj=\:a0cya $G7;m3dU,V>>'W| >M᠉pۭF3{rSz~n:~ @hf+.llwrX\Z3>ɡ<AbnבqX(—BQXx/Z.sn+6xN%KL-I^fH*Xf5 Ykj4ҐSdZ-tj6$GVE%`O*֥M ؎".` 0t^kAPgz.bPv>ێ^+)z]p3ffȉ=`~>r(tCv 5a ?Mi+ax͒%cj cȚ6磜$IKNC>@Vfgh 󭡊iz)TW