java-1_6_0-sun-plugin-1.6.0.u14-0.2.1<>,N{J?/=„ I%QStҝS%z¶MfKٍ8 ζ/ѹ*OS/-֒cO-':7mFpEs3:QcLY70mr*\{ܰgX#u?oLX۠yr6"G_a9â<Щ-־ bQ<`5|CXy-EA;N-#>t@x1L5.'l46 h@ zrgnMd2B6vPjEMd>Y@$6 @b?bd" ( P  #>ntyt   4  t       ,   L   @0@(8"9,":">W?WBWFWGW HXx IX XYYY\ZY[Y\Y ]Z$ ^\=bacbdb~ebfbkblbzbCjava-1_6_0-sun-plugin1.6.0.u140.2.1Browser plugin files for java-1_6_0-sunThis package contains browser plugin files for java-1_6_0-sun. Note: this package supports browsers built with GCC 3.2 and laterJ:/iglu+openSUSE 11.1openSUSEAny commercialhttp://bugs.opensuse.orgDevelopment/Languages/Java # set link to plugin lib cd /usr/lib/browser-plugins JAVAPLUGINS=$(ls -1 | grep "\(java\|gcj\)" | grep -v || true) if [ -n "$JAVAPLUGINS" ] then rm -rf $JAVAPLUGINS || true fi /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --install /usr/lib/browser-plugins/ javaplugin /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/i386/ 1614 # The old plugin for Seamonkey bnc#476397 /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --install /usr/lib/seamonkey/plugins/ javaplugin_seamonkey /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/plugin/i386/ns7// 1614 /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --install /usr/lib/opera/plugins/ javaplugin_opera /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/plugin/i386/ns7// 1614 ### bad symlinks workaround ### for ALT in javaplugin; do if [[ $(update-alternatives --display ${ALT} | head -n 1 | grep manual) && $(readlink /etc/alternatives/${ALT} | grep "1\.6\.0\.u[23]") ]]; then update-alternatives --auto ${ALT} fi done ### bad symlinks workaround ### if [ "$1" = "0" ] ; then /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --remove javaplugin /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/i386/ # The old plugin for Seamonkey bnc#476397 /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --remove javaplugin_seamonkey /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/plugin/i386/ns7// /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --remove javaplugin_opera /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/plugin/i386/ns7// fi2Sa q 5 ]  * (0ϱOb큤AA큤AAAAAAA큤JJJJJJJJJJJJJ:#JJ:#JJJ:J(J(JJJ(J:J:JJJ:J:J:J:J: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../../zh/LC_MESSAGES/ @JJ@@@@@@@@Jjava-1_6_0-sunjre-1.6.0-sun-32/usr/bin/findsedrpmlib(VersionedDependencies)update-alternatives/bin/bash/bin/bashrpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) java-1.6.0-ibm-pluginjava-1.6.0-blackdown-pluginjava-1.6.0-bea-pluginMozillaFirefox24.4.2.3J0J#J@In@Il@I&@I~@Io%@I>]I3I&I"@HӔ@H{?H@GG:GGƢ@G,@GjY@G0W@GG FR@F.F.F:@FFcFVFHO@F/BE@mvyskocil@suse.czmvyskocil@suse.czmvyskocil@suse.czmvyskocil@suse.czmvyskocil@suse.czmvyskocil@suse.czmvyskocil@suse.czmvyskocil@suse.czmvyskocil@suse.czmvyskocil@suse.czmvyskocil@suse.czmvyskocil@suse.czmvyskocil@suse.czanosek@suse.czmvyskocil@suse.czanosek@suse.czmvyskocil@suse.czmvyskocil@suse.czanosek@suse.czmvyskocil@ fixed bnc#510016: Chinese fonts display Merged with openjdk: * used logical font names ("DejaVu Sans") instead of X11 names * use Arphic PL fonts for Chinse, instead of non existent sazanami * use UnDotum and UnBatang fonts for Korean, instead of baekmukttf-batang - fixed bnc#494536: Updating Java overwrites a custom certs Mark the following files as %config(noreplace): * jre/lib/security/cacerts * jre/lib/security/java.policy * jre/lib/security/ * jre/lib/security/ * /usr/lib/jvm-private/java-1_6_0-sun/jce/vanilla/local_policy.jar * /usr/lib/jvm-private/java-1_6_0-sun/jce/vanilla/US_export_policy.jar (don't remove the policy files in jre/lib/security - they're just symlinks) - fixed bnc#496489: install samples/ to demo package- fixed bnc#507056: updated to 1.6.0.u14 - Support for blacklisting signed jar files. - Java HotSpot VM 14.0 with more efficient SoftReference processing and improvements to Parallel Compacting garbage collection. Optionally available are two new features - escape analysis and compressed object pointers: * Optimization Using Escape Analysis: -XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis * Compressed Object Pointers: -XX:+UseCompressedOops (improve performance on 64bit JRE) * Garbage First (G1) Garbage Collector: -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC production use of G1 is only permitted where a Java support contract has been purchased, which is not provides by SUSE! - Improvement TreeMap Iteration - JAX WS 2.1.6 and JAXB 2.1.10 - JAX-WS 2.1.6 and JAXB 2.1.10 are integrated into JDK 6u14. You can find more details about the new features in the JAX-WS 2.1.6 changelog and in the JAXB 2.1.10 changelog. - JavaDB - Java VisualVM Updates: * CPU usage and GC activity graph in the Monitor tab * Table view in the Threads tab * Command line options: --openpid, --openjmx, --openfile * Compare Memory Snapshots action in the context menu * Copy To Clipboard / Save To File buttons in the About dialog * Monitoring IBM JVM via JMX connection * Based on NetBeans Platform 6.5 and NetBeans Profiler 6.5 * Faster computation of references, and improved readability of path to GC root in HeapWalker * Improved integration of the Visual GC tool- 'fixed bnc#506730: Sun Java uses own fonts instead of platform fonts'- update to 1.6.0u13 (bnc#488926) - moved new plugin file to -plugin package - Seamonkey and Opera uses a legacy Java plugin (bnc#476397)- fixed bnc#473952: update-test java update crashes firefox - removed a wrappers scripts as upstream fixed the xorg.conf issue- update to 1.6.0 u12: bnc#472412 - enabled a -plugin package - do not install alternatives for kinit, klist and ktab manual pages - be carefull with %%fdupes- enable of -src build in build service (bnc#465790#c8)- used a new Java plugin for Firefox3 (bnc#465790) - use a %%{javamajver} in JVM toplevel dir (bnc#466078)- update to 1.6.0u11 (bnc#456770)- fixed of bnc#450316: Cannot install java-1_6_0-sun package after changing /bin/sh to point to zsh and not bash - added a Conflicts: MozillaFirefox <= 2, the new Java plugin included in u10 is not compatible with Firefox 2- update to u10 FATE#305407 - supress some rpmlint warnings, which cannot be fixed in binary release- timezone update to 1_3_9-2008g (bnc#427616) - defined tzversion macro for better maintenance in future.- Fixed [bnc#394974]: Missing .systemPrefs- updated to 1.6.0u7 (bnc#407935) - updated timezone data- update to 1.6.0u6: VUL-0: java 1.6.0 update 6 security update available [bnc#383674] - xcb_xlib.c:50: xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion 'c->xlib.lock' failed. - HttpClient and HttpsClient should not try to reverse lookup IP address of a proxy server - REGRESSION: setting result in NPE in ACC - (tz) Support tzdata2008a - Incorrect locale specified in the URL embedded in the register[_].html - FontConfiguration exception preventing applets from loading - Java 6 JavaWebstart increases footprint by factor 2 - JWS can't find cache file after network crash - not included in make/docs/CORE_PKGS.gmk - com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE instance leak using KRB5 and LoginContext - fix the java 1.6.0_01-b06 getPackage isCompatibleWith Empty version string AMD86 [bnc#331680]- fixed names of java-1.6.0-sun and java-1.6.0-sun-devel provides, fixed directory names (removed update number)- update to 1.6.0u5: VUL-0: java: multiple vulnerabilities [bnc#368134] - CVE-2008-1158: Unspecified vulnerability in the Virtual Machine for Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and JDK 6 Update 4 and earlier, 5.0 Update 14 and earlier, and SDK/JRE 1.4.2_16 and earlier allows remote attackers should gain privileges via an untrusted application or applet, a different issue than CVE-2008-1186. - CVE-2008-1187: Unspecified vulnerability in Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and JDK 6 Update 4 and earlier, 5.0 Update 14 and earlier, and SDK/JRE 1.4.2_16 and earlier allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (JRE crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via unknown vectors related to XSLT transforms. - CVE-2008-1188: Multiple buffer overflows in Java Web Start in Sun JDK and JRE 6 Update 4 and earlier, and 5.0 Update 14 and earlier, allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via unknown vectors, a different issue than CVE-2008-1189. - CVE-2008-1189: Buffer overflow in Java Web Start in Sun JDK and JRE 6 Update 4 and earlier, 5.0 Update 14 and earlier, and SDK/JRE 1.4.2_16 and earlier allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via unknown vectors, a different issue than CVE-2008-1188. - CVE-2008-1190: Unspecified vulnerability in Java Web Start in Sun JDK and JRE 6 Update 4 and earlier, 5.0 Update 14 and earlier, and SDK/JRE 1.4.2_16 and earlier allows remote attackers to gain privileges via an untrusted application, a different issue than CVE-2008-1191. - CVE-2008-1191: Unspecified vulnerability in Java Web Start in Sun JDK and JRE 6 Update 4 and earlier allows remote attackers to create arbitrary files via an untrusted application, a different issue than CVE-2008-1190. - CVE-2008-1192: Unspecified vulnerability in the Java Plug-in for Sun JDK and JRE 6 Update 4 and earlier, and 5.0 Update 14 and earlier; and SDK and JRE 1.4.2_16 and earlier, and 1.3.1_21 and earlier; allows remote attackers to bypass the same origin policy and "execute local applications" via unknown vectors. - CVE-2008-1193: Unspecified vulnerability in Java Runtime Environment Image Parsing Library in Sun JDK and JRE 6 Update 4 and earlier, and 5.0 Update 14 and earlier, allows remote attackers to gain privileges via an untrusted application. - CVE-2008-1194: Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in the color management library in Sun JDK and JRE 6 Update 4 and earlier, and 5.0 Update 14 and earlier, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via unknown vectors. - CVE-2008-1195: Unspecified vulnerability in Sun JDK and Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 Update 4 and earlier and 5.0 Update 14 and earlier; and SDK and JRE 1.4.2_16 and earlier; allows remote attackers to access arbitrary network services on the local host via unspecified vectors related to JavaScript and Java APIs. - CVE-2008-1196: Stack-based buffer overflow in Java Web Start (javaws.exe) in Sun JDK and JRE 6 Update 4 and earlier and 5.0 Update 14 and earlier; and SDK and JRE 1.4.2_16 and earlier; allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted JNLP file.- removed Provides and Obsoletes of java-1.5.0-plugin in plugin subpackage: [bnc#365768]- changed Requires: %{_libdir}/, %{_libdir}/ to Requires: unixODBC [#326751]- New update - 1.6.0u4 - The better alternatives script - Updated the timezone info to 2007k - avoid the building of a src subpackage in BuildService (licencing problems) - added %{bits} to requires of subpackage [#354123]- added 32-bit and 64-bit specific provides (jre-32, jre-64)- Fixed a manual state in /etc/alternatives after update [#334783]- Fixed bug [#334783] bad symlinks in /etc/alternatives after update- update to 1.6.0_update3 [#332137] - Fixed vulnerabilities: CVE-2007-5232, CVE-2007-5236, CVE-2007-523, CVE-2007-523, CVE-2007-5240- fix suse_update_desktop_file call- wrapper script got applied twice- corrected jpackage dependency- include Olson data 2007f (Bug #271324)- added wrapper script for SDK java exe as well (Bug #252510 Comment #91)- update to 1.6.0 update 1: US Daylight Savings Time Sun Alert 102836 Bug 6530336 that was part of Sun Alert 102836, has been fixed in this release. As a result, it is no longer necessary to run the tzupdater tool with the -bc flag to work around this bug. Bug 6466476, that was also part of Sun Alert 102836 has not yet been fixed. If your application uses the deprecated java.util.Timezone IDs and is sensitive to the behavior outlined in 6466476, you will still need to run the tzupdater tool with the -bc flag as a work-around. Note that running tzupdater with the -bc flag does not hinder the fix for 6530336 in any way. This release contains Olson time zone data version 2007a. If you need the latest Olson data (currently 2007c) in order to accommodate the America/Indiana/Winamac changes (see US Daylight Savings Time Changes and the Java SE Platform: FAQ (Appendix)), then you will need to run the tzupdater (with -bc flag as appropriate) after installing this release. Please see Sun Java SE JDK tzupdater Tool for more information on how to do this. Bug Fixes Bug fixes are listed in the following table. - final long stack variable gets corrupted when FileChannel read is interrupted - Strange behavior of Client VM (Unexpected value change on the specific situation) - ParNewGC times spiking, eventually taking up 20 out of every 30 seconds - CMS+ParNew: wildly different ParNew pause times depending on heap shape caused by allocation spread - icache invalidation code can segv - REGRESSION: JNI ExceptionClear does not clear JVMTI's view of the exception - org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init() thread safety issue - Adjustment jprt rules - jTextPane/jEditorPane text space higher than before - Font.equals() incorrectly returns false if getAttributes() is called on just one of the fonts - Unable to retrieve printer list on system with unconnected printers - Combining negative scale and negative shear in Font Transform produced incorrect results in JDK 6 - PIT:Regression test and two others failed with PIT build 2006-12-04-int.6u1 - PrintServices are incorrectly listed as "not accepting jobs" - Xgl/Compiz/Java 1.5/Swing problem - Focus issue with JFrame and JButton - SplashScreen.getSplashScreen() fails in Web Start context - COMPATIBILITY: Can't use the keypad to simulate game actions - Vista: Modality is broken on vista 5840 for all native Dialogs. - Win32: JVM fastdebug build crashes when Frame uses custom icon. - AWT needs to use the NO_WM case when running inside of Looking Glass - Uncanonicalized absolute filepath with length 248-260 no longer works (win) - (process) Process.destroy() can kill wrong process (Unix) - TEST_BUG: several tests fail because TESTVMOPTS are passed to javac directly - native memory leak when use Thread.getAllStackTraces() - Socket creation on Windows takes a long time if web proxy does not have a DNS entry - (se) epoll based Selector throws Operation not permitted during load - (smartcardio) RI's implementation of Card.transmitControlCommand(int, byte[]) may cause JVM failure - CR 4964288 (sound, Unexpected IAE raised while getting TargetData) is not fixed in windows-amd64 JDK - api/javax_sound/sampled/TargetDataLine/index.html#TargetDataLine fails - Text cursor is too short. - First element of JDesktopPane.getAllFrames is an iconified internal frame - OceanTheme causes swing components to serialize with sun.* classes - ArrayOutOfBoundsException raised when SHIFT-selecting items in a JList - Regression: JToolBar's separator is wrongly rendered using GTK L&F on Linux and Solaris - GTK L&F: JToolBar handle rendered incorrectly under Nimbus theme - GTKLAF: Menu item selection bar hieght is not consistant in the menu and popupmenu across the items. - JFileChooser ignores FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES on GTK and Motif - GTK Theme change and JTextField can/will crash Java - SwingWorker notifications might be out of order. - Vista:In disabled JComboBox the drop down button background shows black color and looks enabled. - XPStyle.getSkin returning null is dangerous - Memory leak in XPStyle - Vista: Menu dropdown differs while compare with naitve in vista laf. - REGRESSION: JCheckBox doesn't show on JToolBar under Windows L&F - Jeditorpane does not start up the html file - GTK L&F: JMenuBar is taller than native under Clearlooks - GTK L&F: buttons, checkboxes, and radiobuttons are sized incorrectly - GTK L&F: more toolbar issues - Unbounded memory leak in Windows XP JRE for Applets and applications that open JFrame's - JTree is not visible with GTK and Right-to-Left component orientation - JRadioButton in JTree is not painted in correct state on Vista - (tz) DST bug in latest jdk releases when using EST MST and HST abbreviations - (date) calling java.util.Date.toString() slows down subsequent calls to the class - (tz) Support tzdata2007a - (tz) Support tzdata2006o - (tz) Support tzdata2006p - ExecutableElement.getParameters() uses raw type for class loaded from -g bytecode - Copyright year need to modify with 2007 in J2SE UR releases - "com.sun.jdi.InternalException: Inconsistent suspend policy" in internal event handler - 1.5.0_u7 has "shielded" exe in Windows Vista - regression: re installing the same jre version does not pop up the reinstall dialog - remove "Installshield" text from offline installers - Installation of Solaris Packages fails with jdk1.6.0_01-b05 - Privacy Policy is referring wrong URL - remove "no longer used splash screen" from installer will reduce jre size/speed - Close browser during JRE installation. Open a new window to at the end of the installation. - [zh_CN] README_zh_CN in jdk is out of sync with the english README - [zh_CN, ja] Message sync for two bug fixes in 6.0 - PIT: additional sentence needs to be translated for 6267625 - rmic does not use manifest classpath - SA: Throws UnmappedAddressException while reading address from core file in shared area. - jhat OQL Support direct value of java.lang.String type fields - jhat: oql submit form should put last query into textform for resubmit - JHAT - Missing class mishandled - jhat fails with java.lang.ClassCastException on file created by jmap from core file - jhat should be able to help in finding classloader leaks - InstallStats2 not sending full version for offline installers with 'failure' status - IS2 : InstallComplete ping 'ic' with status 'success' is not posted in silent mode - filename incorrect in jre readme - Need to implement webstart/plugin part of the bug fix 6439864 - jusched crash: buffer overrun - Signed applet hangs browser if a remote policy server is being used - offline support does not work for plugin applets - regression: Desktop.browse does not work properly for java plug-in applets - cannot be used in 1.4.2, 1.5.0, and Java Se 6 - The Wrong proxy is derived from Mozilla browsers when there is no entry in prefs.js - Regression: Cannot run application using jnlp extensions when offline. - In JNLP file href must end with .jar extension - Web Start application installed from CD will not run under Java 6u1 - cannot launch application offline if https is used - JoinRowSetImpl does not notify listeners - api/javax_sql/rowset/impl/FilteredRowSet/index.html#FilteredRowSet[notifyCursorMovedTest3] fails b98 - api/javax_sql/rowset/impl/JoinRowSet/index.html#JoinRowSet[createCopySchemaTest] fails on b98 - Using JdbcRowSetImpl(strUrl,strUserId, strPassword) without executing a stmt throws NPE in getType() - api/javax_sql/rowset/impl/FilteredRowSet/index.html#FilteredRowSet[absoluteTest] fails - There is no way to plug SyncProvider for CachedRowSet implementation - RMIConnectorServer.stop: deadlock - Using MXBeans can lead to memory leaks- moved demo files to %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir}/demo (which is in %{_libdir}) in order to avoid having *.so file in /usr/share - switched on stripping again - removed versionless provide of j2sdk - hardlink duplicates - index jar files- enable wrapper script for x86_64- handle plugin with update-alternative mechanism (fixes collect-desktop-files problem and gives users control over which plugin is used) - wrapper script in order to enable graphical apps (Bug #252510)- first version/bin/bash/bin/bashjava-1.3.1-pluginjava-1.4.0-pluginjava-1.4.1-pluginjava-1.4.2-pluginiglu 1245372207H~HHH     1.6.0.u141.6.0.u141.6.0.u14-0.2.1 libjavaplugin_jni.solibjavaplugin_nscp.solibjavaplugin_nscp_gcc29.solibnpjp2.sosunw_java_plugin.mosunw_java_plugin.mosunw_java_plugin.mosunw_java_plugin.mosunw_java_plugin.mosunw_java_plugin.mosunw_java_plugin.mosunw_java_plugin.mosunw_java_plugin.mosunw_java_plugin.mosunw_java_plugin.mosunw_java_plugin.mosunw_java_plugin.moplugin.jarplugindesktopsun_java.desktopsun_java.pngi386ns7ns7-gcc29libjavaplugin_oji.solibjavaplugin_oji.sooperapluginsseamonkeypluginsjpackage-java-1_6_0-sun-ControlPanel.desktop/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/i386//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/locale/ko.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/locale/zh.GBK/LC_MESSAGES//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/locale/zh/LC_MESSAGES//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/locale/zh_HK.BIG5HK/LC_MESSAGES//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/locale/zh_TW.BIG5/LC_MESSAGES//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/plugin//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/plugin/desktop//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/plugin/i386//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/plugin/i386/ns7-gcc29//usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/plugin/i386/ns7//usr/lib//usr/lib/opera//usr/lib//usr/lib/seamonkey//usr/share/applications/-march=i586 -mtune=i686 -fmessage-length=0 -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -gobs://}!R ?]"k%Ǡ=+yؘWt\yJG[U㯘c yގ8fMR7~!PnǤPr; v&A܌xה%fjȕqv/ErX:'~P[GmPąVJIJiq ˤgš-&EW_klH,2E}dOച1w@8 9 цe{W[88N5 _ o,z{i@3N{6[;Q;4hg{^v>A 7~Bx&1g{Szi? 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